Saturday 12 January 2008

If the answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind...

...then I'm getting a whole lot of answers at the moment. She's a windy day here at Halley, so much so that they've stopped work for today. A Saturday off! Such luxury. I'm sitting in my bunk here, catching up on e-mails and eating some of the provisions that came in the mail from my sister, my parents, and the Ropps in St. Marys. Thank you all for that!

Of course, I could continue to work. And maybe I shall. Or I might just wander over to the Simpson and do some half-hearted work mixed in with some stock-picking. (It's a contrarian's dream out there, these days)

Or I could continue to plan my life for the next few months. This would include my trip to South Africa and Tanzania, my accommodations when I get back to Cambridge, my trip back to Canada, accommodations for the weddings I'm attending, a conference in April...

Or I could work on that journal paper I always meant to write.

Or I could learn about radio theory or glaciology. The latter would be helpful for a glaciologist, I reckon.

Or I could have a nap.


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